Long Covid and Online Therapy
My Online Psychologist: Long COVID One of the most increasing difficulties I hear about at My Online Psychologist is the psychological impact of Long Covid. The biological mechanisms surrounding long covid are not fully known, but the psychological symptoms include brain fog. Brain Fog consists of a number of symptoms including forgetfulness, fatigue, difficulty…
Health Anxiety and Online Therapy
My Online Psychologist: Health Anxiety Health anxiety is a condition characterised by excessive worry about having a serious illness. It is a common anxiety difficulty that can affect both adults and children. At My Online Psychologist we have a few psychologists and also some child psychologists that have a high level of experience in treating…
Online Therapy vs. Face to Face Therapy
Online Therapy vs. Face to Face Therapy Online therapy is just a COVID thing right? Typically, when most of us think of therapy, we think of sitting in a calm, peaceful room with a therapist sat opposite us writing notes. However, for many years now, alternative routes to therapy have been available and have…